Chemistry BSc Program

Bachelor of Science Requirements

A laboratory with students working

Students seeking entrance to chemistry programs are required to select their course packages in consultation with the chair of the Department of Chemistry.  


  • All 200 and above level chemistry courses require either CHEM 101/102 or 121/122 as a prerequisite.  
  • Students cannot receive credit for a course if the lab component is not reasonably completed.  
  • Students considering a Major in Chemistry must complete MATH 106 and 107 (or 121 & 122 or 126 & 127) and the physics requirement, PHYS 101/102 (or 121/122) by the end of their second year. Students considering an Advanced Major or Honours in chemistry must complete the physics and the second mathematics requirements (see below) by the end of their sophomore year and take, at least, CHEM 221/222, 245 and 265 in their sophomore year.  
  • Potential Honours students should also consider taking CHEM 231 and 232 in their sophomore year.  
  • Students considering a Joint degree program should be aware that the program may take five (5) years to complete. Where applicable, the physics and the second six credits of mathematics must be completed by the end of the sophomore year.  
  • Students who are concerned that their health may be adversely affected by a lab or a part thereof are strongly encouraged to consult the course professor or the chair of the Department.  
  • Students who are subject to any medical condition that may endanger them or others in a lab setting, e.g. fainting, seizures, are required to inform the course professor, in confidence, so that measures can be taken to minimize the danger to the student and others in the lab.  

Summaries of the chemistry courses for the various programs are shown below. For specific requirements and options, click the title of the program:

Non-Chemistry Requirements

In addition to the above chemistry requirements, all chemistry students require MATH 106/107 (or 121/122 or 126/127) and PHYS 101/102 (or 121/122). In addition, honours and advanced major students require six credits from MATH 253, 254, 267 and 367 (the Science B requirement can be met by these mathematics courses, the Science C requirement by the physics course). Approved Electives are selected from other chemistry courses or courses in science, mathematics or computing sciences which complement the student's degree. A course in computing science is recommended, as is PHIL 213 (Philosophy of Science). Students must obtain approval for Approved Electives from the chair of the Department prior to enrolling in the courses.

In all programs, students are required to choose their electives to satisfy the general requirements in Section 7 of the StFX Academic Calendar.  


Chemistry Department

3060 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5