Becoming who you're meant to be!
StFX is alive with many events and programs offered by Chaplaincy.
Please feel free to visit us or contact us with any questions you may have or for further information on programs and events, Chaplaincy, or life at StFX!
Chaplaincy gathers every week during the academic year for the 5PM Sunday Student Mass. There is a faithful following of students and others from the university community who attend regularly. Further, chaplaincy offers an 11AM Mass every Sunday. This is frequented by individuals connected to the university.
The following is a partial list of student-oriented programs and initiatives for 2023-24 that are offered to the StFX Community through Chaplaincy:
- Emmaus Road Retreat Weekend - Take time away to renew your relationship with God. This student led retreat, is where participants share their faith, will be held in January 2024.
- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) - the process by which people can be brought into the church
- Theology on Tap - These presentations are normally held at the Golden X Inn in the areas of religion, philosophy, and ethics. The first presentation, "Speaking from the Heart, St. Augustine Against Lying" was held on September 28, and the next will be in November.
- Taize Prayer is held the last Wednesday of each month and is an Ecumenical gathering filled with song, scripture, and silent reflection. The scriptures are read in the many languages that we find in our student community, and they include Arabic, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Swahili.
Chaplains Prayer Breakfast - this annual event will be held on November 25, 2023. Janet Hazleton, President of the Nova Scotia Nurses Union will share how her faith motivates her life.
Men's Journey, November 2023, is a weekend retreat for university aged men where we look at some of the challenges facing this group of individuals. Student Memorial Service will be held on October 12, 2023. This is to remember students who have passed away while attending StFX. During the ceremony we will also dedicate two trees in remembrance of late students, Jackson Whiteman and Boluwatiwi (Bolo) Oluyinka.
Gathering for Women will be held October 21 at Wellspring. Entitled "Freedom to be me: What does it mean to be me?" This session will be facilitated by Sr. Theresa Parker and the new Anglican priest in town, Rev. Natasha Brubaker.
Chaplaincy, along with 'Catholics at X' are planning a regional conference with Chaplaincies at other Maritime campuses. This gathering is scheduled for November 10 - 12, 2023 in St. John NB.
Hope and the Environment - Chaplaincy, in conjunction with others will create a session looking at how to be hopeful as we deal wit the environmental concerns of the world.
306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5