Event Photo Gallery

Chaplaincy offers a variety of retreat experiences for the StFX Community, as well as a host of other events. All are invited to attend and participate! Here are a few highlights from our the 2018-2019 academic year.

A group of people standing in front of a church entrance smiling
Convocation Mass - May 4, 2019

Graduating students and members of faculty and administration pose with Mr. John Peacock, Chancellor; Bishop Brian Dunn, Vicar of the Founder; Dr. Kent MacDonald, President and Vice-Chancellor; Fr. Gary MacPherson, University Chaplain; Sr. Jovita MacPherson, Associate Chaplain; and honorary degree recipients Dr. Stan Kutcher and Sr. Rebecca McKenna (on behalf of the Congregation of Notre Dame).



306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5