Disclosing refers to a victim/survivor or a witness sharing information about an incident of sexual violence to a member of the campus community to access services and supports. A formal disclosure does not result in an internal investigation.*
Anyone wishing to disclose acts of sexual violence should contact the Sexual Violence Prevention & Response Advocate (SVPRA). Most disclosures can remain anonymous or confidential.*
*Reports submitted anonymously through REES will not result in an internal investigation automatically, but will be considered anonymous disclosures under the Sexual Violence policy.
REES Online Reporting Tool
StFX has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. Click here to access the REES Online Reporting Tool.
REES allows members of our campus community to Create a Record of an incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, Report to Police, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, health care, and support services. REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to https://reescommunity.com/campus and select from the drop-down list.
Reporting refers to a victim/survivor sharing information about an incident of sexual violence for the purpose of an investigation by StFX and/or an external investigation by the RCMP. Anyone considering making a formal report for the purpose of an internal investigation should contact the SVPRA.
To have a report submitted to the REES online reporting tool investigated internally, please select "connect to my campus" on the REES platform and the SVPRA will contact you.
To report to the RCMP, please call 911 or the Antigonish RCMP detachment at 902-863-6500.
These process maps depict the disclosing and reporting processes for faculty and staff and students. At StFX our commitment is to keep the needs of the people impacted by sexual violence at the center of decision making.

306B Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5