Strategic Plan

The Angus L. Macdonald Library and University Archives is core to the academic mission of the University. The time for a clear vision of our future is now. This Strategic Plan identifies key objectives and strategic directions to guide the Library for the next five years (2022-2027).

The core work of an academic library includes but is not limited to:

  • developing and maintaining important resource collections
  • delivering educational programming that fosters student acquisition of fundamental research, critical thinking, and information literacy skills
  • providing guidance on scholarly publishing
  • promoting innovation in teaching, learning, and research

To fulfill this broad mandate, seven broad strategic priority areas emerged. From these broad areas, we have developed two primary strategic directions to guide the transformation of the Library over the next five years.

Our focus will be transforming our facilities, services, and competencies to deliver an enhanced learning and research experience for StFX students, faculty, and staff.

This Library Strategic Plan is embedded within the broader context of continuous system improvement planning at the University. Included in this integrated planning framework are an established Research and Creative Works Plan, as well as Academic and Student Experience and Opportunity Plans that are currently under development. Together these plans will form the pillars of the next University Strategic Plan (2023-onwards). Consideration was paid to ensuring flexibility in this Library Strategic Plan so that it will continue to reflect and support the evolving strategic priorities of StFX moving forward.

Angus L. Macdonald Library Strategic Plan 2022-27

Value Statements


At the core of all libraries are people. We value our students, faculty, staff, community members, and our colleagues. We treat all people with respect and recognize the value that each individual brings to our Library and our campus.

Learning & Research

We nurture exploration, innovation, inquiry, experimentation, collaboration, and creativity.


We foster information literacy and critical appraisal skills to support teaching, learning, research, and life-long learning.


We are committed to ensuring excellent people-centred service that is equitable, accessible, and inclusive, and reflects the social justice values of St. Francis Xavier University.


We engage in planning and decision-making that is consultative, thoughtful, and evidence-based to ensure sustainability in staffing, collections, services, and the environment.


We embrace our role as the academic hub of the community and actively seek out opportunities for partnerships and collaborations.

Intellectual Freedom

The Library protects and fosters intellectual freedom by ensuring that our environment and collections are inclusive, uncensored, respectful, and by encouraging interactive learning and the open sharing of knowledge.


We are committed to ensuring equitable access to a wide variety of information, spaces, and services.

Mission & Vision Statements


The Angus L. Macdonald Library and University Archives provides services, collections, and an environment that inspires, advances, and transforms teaching, learning, research, and creativity for the St. Francis Xavier University community.


The Angus L. Macdonald Library and University Archives at St. Francis Xavier University provides a welcoming, accessible inclusive common environment that encourages exploration, creativity, innovation, critical analysis, knowledge generation, and collaboration between students, faculty, and the wider community. It brings together the best of both the physical and digital worlds to fulfill its role as core to the academic mission of the University and a hub for academic life on campus.