Faculty Research

Terry Beaulieu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Mikael Haller, Ph.D., Associate Professor

  •  Emergence and development of complex societies; quantitative methods and computer applications to archaeology (GIS/CAD), urban anthropology; settlement patterns; household archaeology; colonialism; gender and identity; public archaeology; Mesoamerica; Lower Central America.  

L. Jane McMillan, Ph.D., former Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Communities – Full Professor

  • Legal anthropology, critical Indigenous justice studies, Mi’kmaq treaty rights implementation, Indigenous self-government, livelihood and resource management, engaged and applied participatory action research, and Indigenous research methodologies. 

Susan Vincent, Ph.D., Full Professor

  • Development anthropology, Anthropology of globalization, Community development, Peru. 


Anthropology Department

208 J. Bruce Brown Hall
2320 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5