Faculty of Science Strategic Plan
Executive Summary
In March 2015, the Faculty of Science, one of four Faculties at St. Francis Xavier University (StFX), passed a motion to embark on its first Faculty-wide strategic planning process with a goal of establishing a clear direction and achievable action for the next five years. A Strategic Planning Committee was struck and tasked with developing the plan. Members of the committee began the planning process with a goal of establishing a clear direction and achievable action for the next five years. A Strategic Planning Committee was struck and tasked with developing the plan. Members of the committee began the planning process by consulting with others within the Faculty of Science. Surveys were sent to faculty, lab instructors, and nurse educators, and a focus group was held with administrative assistants and support staff. Senior administrators were also consulted as were several students. The Faculty of Science Strategic Planning Committee then participated in six workshops organized and facilitated by the StFX Extension Department to analyze the data collected and to draft a strategic plan. The draft strategic plan presented in this document is the result of these efforts and articulates a mission, a vision, a set of values, and a strategic direction for the StFX Faculty of Science for the next five years.
The plan begins with a mission statement for the StFX Faculty of Science: Through innovative and collaborative teaching and research, the StFX Faculty of Science advances scientific knowledge for the betterment of society by fostering student curiosity and inquiry—preparing the scientific minds of tomorrow.
The 2021 vision statement follows: The StFX Faculty of Science, known for excellence in teaching and research, is a national leader in student mentorship. The Faculty works collaboratively with all disciplines at StFX and partners with educational institutions, communities, and industries to advance natural and applied scientific knowledge—embracing diversity, interdisciplinarity, and innovation in all that we do.
Five areas of emphasis are also outlined as priorities, in no particular order, for the period of the plan: teaching, research, programming, partnership development, and infrastructure and equipment renewal. Each of these five areas is detailed in terms of the goals, objectives and action plans required for successful implementation.
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