Students interested in working with the StFX Art Gallery or with X-Oceans, with Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre, or with StFX Information Technology Services, had a terrific occasion on Jan. 16th to research potential on-campus employment opportunities.
Countless conversations filled the air and information was exchanged on summer and part-time on-campus job opportunities for next academic year during the On-Campus Job Fair, hosted by StFX Student Career Services, in Scholars Walk, Mulroney Hall.
Over 30 departments had booths set up to meet with students.
StFX is a major employer of students. In all, StFX People and Culture say around 1,600-1,800 students, or about 40-45 per cent of the student population, is employed by the university in some capacity throughout the year.
Jane MacDonald, Manager, Student Career Services & Co-op Education, says the career fair is an annual event. “It gives opportunity for students to meet directly with departments who are looking to hire students, which can be helpful in securing employment. On-campus jobs give students the opportunity to practice skills and competencies which they will use in future jobs and careers. Within many departments, student employees contribute to the department being able to deliver programs and services.”

Dr. Katie Aubrecht, Canada Research Chair, Health Equity and Social Justice, was at the event representing the Department of Sociology, sharing student positions available both within the department and with her Spatializing Care Intersectional Disability Studies Lab.
“We want to engage students,” she says. “We’re teaching students new skills, but we’re also benefitting from the students, and making those connections.”
While some of these specific student roles are often filled by sociology students, Dr. Aubrecht says they are open to all students. For instance, a student may help with event planning, with communications, and community engagement.
Departments from across campus were represented.

These included Ancillary Services- Post Office and StFX Store; Athletics; Biology, X-Oceans Outreach; Box Office/Saputo Welcome Desk; Career Studio-Student Career Centre/EDGE; Coady Institute as well as the Pathy Foundation Fellowship; Conference Services & Special Events; Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre; Fitness Centre/Pool; Health and Counselling; Human Rights & Equity; IT Services; Operations; Residence Life; Safety and Security Services - X-Patrol; Service Learning; Sociology and Spatializing Care Lab; Sodexo Food Services; StFX Art Gallery; StFX Athletics and Recreation (intramurals); StFX Discover Box; StFX Recreation (Department of Athletics and Recreation); StFX Students Union; Student Life; Summer Hotel; Visible@X; X Ring Store; and X-Chem STEM Outreach (Chemistry).
If students have questions about employment, they can visit Patrick, Sydney and Rohit, at the Career Studio, Schwartz 183. The Career Studio is open Monday to Friday and students can drop-by with no appointment necessary. In addition to jobs, the Career Studio can assist students with developing cover letters and resumes, interview skills and job search strategies.