Bhavik Parikh

Bhavik Parikh

BBA Accounting and Finance
Campus Location
Schwartz Rm 382

PhD (University of Memphis), MSc Finance (Illinois Institute of Technology), BEg (University of Mumbai)

Bhavik Parikh is an Associate Professor of Finance at Schwartz School of Business. His research focuses on International Finance, Tax Evasion and Islamic Finance. His research has been published in European Financial Management, International Review of Finance, Journal of World Business and several other reputed journals. One of his articles “Tax havens, tax evasion and tax information exchange agreements in the OECD” has received the “Best Paper Top Download Award” from the European Financial Management Journal. He regularly presents his paper at Financial Management Association Annual Meetings, Annual Macroeconomics and Finance Meetings, and numerous other academic conferences. He has taught courses on financial management, advanced corporate finance, financial markets, banking, and financial institution.