Guest Speakers
2021 – 2022
Capstone Lecture in Humanities Colloquium
“Weapons of War: The Dual-Loyalty Dilemma for Combatant-Physicians”
Lecture by Prof. Lu-Vada Dunford
Thursday, 31 March, 7:30 p.m.
2030 MULH
Professor Dunford’s research is in ethics, with a concentration in military ethics, among other areas. This lecture deals with one of the difficult problems in the ethics of waging war. Details, including a description of the problem, are below.
“Combatant-Physicians have two loyalties. As physicians, they owe complete loyalty to their patients. As combatants, they owe complete loyalty to their country. Sometimes these loyalties come into conflict. When they do, combatant-physicians find themselves in a Dual-Loyalty Dilemma. One view claims that physician loyalty trumps combatant loyalty. Another view claims that combatant loyalty trumps physician loyalty. A third view rejects the very idea of a combatant-physician. Is it possible, however, that all three views are wrong and that there is no Dual-Loyalty Dilemma at all?”

Past speakers
Wednesday, Oct. 12
Paolo Biondi (Professor of Philosophy, University of Sudbury)
“The Soul’s Place and Function in Aristotle’s Cosmos”
7:30 p.m., NH 245
Thursday, Oct. 13
“Aristotle’s Scientific Method”
7:30 p.m., Schwartz 156
17 & 18 October 2011 (Monday & Tuesday)
Prof. John Cottingham (Universities of Reading and Oxford)
Oct. 17: “Knowledge of God: insider information or objective evidence?”
7:30 p.m. in NH 150, reception to follow, Faculty Lounge
Oct. 18: ‘Descartes and “consciousness”: human thoughts and animal passions’
5:15 p.m. in NH 245
19 November 2010 (Friday)
Dr. Judith Stark (Professor of Philosophy at Seton Hall, New Jersey)
2010 Gatto Chair Visiting Professor, StFX
Some Conceptual Dilemmas in Environmental Philosophy
Are We the Problem?
NH 242 @ 1530h
1 April 2010
Dr. R. D. Ahern (Philosophy, University of New Brunswick)
Nietzsche and the Tragic Age of the Greeks
12 February 2010
Prof. Duncan MacIntosh (Philosophy, Dalhousie University)
The Possibility of Morality
November, 2009
Dr. Jonathan Lavery (Philosophy, Waterloo University)
STFX hosted the Atlantic Region Philosophers Association 2008 Annual Meeting on October 24 & 25. The well attended conference was highlighted by the keynote speaker Professor Jerry Fodor (Rutgers) with his talk "What Darwin Got Wrong."

September 28
Dwayne Raymond (Philosophy, University of Saskatchewan)
A Look At The Contingency In Future Contingencies
November 8 & 9
Michael Ruse (Philosophy, Florida State University)
Can An Evolutionist Be A Christian? (08 Nov)
Does Darwinism Imply That “Might is Right”? (09 Nov)
February 7 & 8
James Arieti (Classics, Hampden-Sydney College)
How to Read a Platonic Dialogue (07 Feb)
Sex, Lies, and Bacchantic Grape: Why the Symposium’s Not About What You Think it’s About (08 Feb)
March 28
Camilla Mryglod (Religious Studies, McMaster University)
Through a Glass Darkly – Camus and Augustine – Mirrored Trajectories
November 23
Michael Hymers (Philosophy, Dalhousie University)
Wittgenstein on Meaning, Morality, and Method
February 16
James Mensch (Philosophy, St. Francis Xavier University)
Politics and Freedom
February 21
Christine Overall (Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies,
Mount Saint Vincent University)
Sex/Gender Transitions: Identity and Personal Aspiration
March 7
Timothy Christie (Director of Ethics Services, A
tlantic Health Sciences Corporation)
Reducing Harm and Injection Drug Use
March 16
Douglas Al-Maini (Philosophy, St. Francis Xavier University)
The Maturing Philosopher in Plato’s Myth of the Cicadas
March 23
Jim Gerrie (Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Cape Breton)
Doctor Assisted Suicide from a Philosophy of Technology Perspective
April 3
Robert Lamb (Politics, University of Exeter, UK)
John Locke and the Rights of the Poor
October 13 &14
Christine McKinnon (Philosophy, Trent University)
Character and Virtue Ethics (13 Oct)
Varieties of Insincerity (14 Oct)
February 10
Lawrence Burns (Bioethics, Dalhousie University)
Bodyworlds or Body Works of Art? Assessing the Educational Merits of the “Anatomical Exhibition of Real Human Bodies”
March 10
Richard Mathews (Philosophy, Mount Allison University)
Dirty Hands and the Problem of Torture
March 17
Slobodan Perovic (Philosophy, Saint Mary’s University)
Does The Principle Of Natural Selection As A Law Concerning Physical Systems Grant Explanatory Autonomy Of Biology?
609 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5