Cross Listed Courses


211 Health and Illness in Cross-Cultural Perspective 6 CREDITS
223 / DEVS 223 Anthropology of Globalization 6 CREDITS
310 Anthropology of Tourism 3 CREDITS
320 / DEVS 321 Anthropology of Development 3 CREDITS
324 Anthropology of Gender 3 CREDITS
330 First Nations and Mi’kmaq Studies 3 CREDITS
331 Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples 3 CREDITS
332 Mi'kmaq Studies 3 CREDITS
415 Anthropology of HIV/AIDS 3 CREDITS
425 Power and Change 3 CREDITS
435 Advanced Indigenous Issues 3 CREDITS


200 Introduction to AR ii: Social Science Applications 6 CREDITS


221 Humans and the Environment I 3 CREDITS
222 Humans and the Environment II 3 CREDITS
345 Communities and Ecosystems 3 CREDITS
320 / DEVS 321 Anthropology of Development 3 CREDITS


358 Business and Society 3 CREDITS
457 / DEVS 457 Community Enterprise Development 3 CREDITS


271 Environmental Earth Science 3 CREDITS
272 Global Change and Climate System 3 CREDITS
274 Health Impacts of Global Environmental Change 3 CREDITS


211 / DEVS 211 Local and Community Development Economics 3 CREDITS
281 Environmental Economics 3 CREDITS
305 / DEVS 305 Economic Development 1 3 CREDITS
306 / DEVS 306 Economic Development II 3 CREDITS
310 Canadian Economic History 3 CREDITS
320 Economic Systems 3 CREDITS
341 Regional Economics 3 CREDITS
342 Maritime Economy 3 CREDITS
365 International Trade 3 CREDITS
366 International Payments and Finance 3 CREDITS
381 Natural Resource Economics 3 CREDITS


247 Post-Colonial Literature 6 CREDITS
347 African Canadian Literature 3 CREDITS
348 First Nations Literature 3 CREDITS


200 History of Canada 6 CREDITS
202 The Prairies 3 CREDITS
204 British Columbia 3 CREDITS
207 Quebec 3 CREDITS
209 The Maritime Provinces, 1500-1950 6 CREDITS
255 History of Colonial Latin America 3 CREDITS
256 History of Modern Latin America 3 CREDITS
275 Modern Japan 6 CREDITS
308 Canadian Women and Gender History 3 CREDITS
309 Working Class in Canadian Society 3 CREDITS
310 Canadian Immigratin and Ethnic History 6 CREDITS
326 Cuba 3 CREDITS
337 Modern Mexico 3 CREDITS
370 Imperial China and 20th Century China 6 CREDITS
462 Latin America 3 CREDITS


405 Food Availability 3 CREDITS


305 Immersion Service Learning 3 CREDITS
306 Course Based Service Learning 3 CREDITS


333 Environmental Ethics 3 CREDITS


210 Comparative Politics 6 CREDITS
247 Environmental Social Sciences I 3 CREDITS
248 Environmental Social Sciences II 3 CREDITS
250 World Politics 6 CREDITS
291 Violence, Conflict and Politics 3 CREDITS
315 Democratization 3 CREDITS
322 Atlantic Canada 3 CREDITS
346 Politics of Resource Management 3 CREDITS
347 Politics of the Environment 3 CREDITS
353 International Organization 3 CREDITS
354 / DEVS 354 International Political Economy 3 CREDITS
355 / DEVS 355 Global Issues 3 CREDITS
360 Russian Politics 6 CREDITS
361 Eastern Europe 3 CREDITS
362 Chinese Politics 3 CREDITS
370 / DEVS 370 Third World Politics 6 CREDITS
372 Iran and the Muslim World 3 CREDITS
380 African Politics and Society 6 CREDITS
390 Politics and Society in Latin America 6 CREDITS
395 Mexican Politics 3 CREDITS


321 Sociology of Atlantic Canada 3 CREDITS
322 / DEVS 322 Antigonish Movement as Change & Development 3 CREDITS
330 First Peoples 3 CREDITS
364 Food and Society 3 CREDITS
366 Coastal Communities 3 CREDITS
426 Consumer Society 3 CREDITS


200 Introduction to Women's Studies 6 CREDITS


Other courses may be considered DEVS cross-listed courses after consultation and the permission of the development studies coordinator.


Development Studies

2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5