Michael Follert

Photo of Michael Follert

Michael Follert

Campus Location
Nicholson Tower Rm 621

Dr. Follert is a political sociologist who examines the Canadian state and society through questions of culture, policy, and representation. His current SSHRC-sponsored research, Making Terra Silentium, looks to postwar representations of ‘the North’ on CBC radio and the development of the CBC Northern Service as vantage points for understanding nation-state expansion into Dënéndeh and Inuit Nunangat. Dr. Follert is a Research Fellow with the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government for 2024-2026.


Nation, State, and Social Policy; Media, Culture and Power; Representation and Public Memory; the Interaction Orders of the Canadian State; Social Theory


2023. “Evocations of the Eerie: The Acousmatic Voice in Canadian Radio Drama.” Sound Studies, 9: 1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20551940.2022.2158677  

2022. “The Cunning of Politeness.” Pp. 346-51 in Reading Sociology, 4th Edition: Unsettling a Settler Colonial Project & Re/writing Sociological Narratives. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. https://www.oupcanada.com/catalog/9780190164935.html  

2021. “The Silent Majority, Populism, and the Shadow Sides of Democracy.” Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 28(4): 455-465. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1467-8675.12587  

2020. “Contractual Thought and Durkheim’s Theory of the Social: A Reappraisal.” Journal of Classical Sociology, 20(3): 167-190. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1468795X19826840  

2019. “Burying the Past: Indigeneity and the Canadian Horror Canon.” In The Spaces and Places of Canadian Popular Culture, eds. Victoria Kannen and Neil Shyminsky. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. https://canadianscholars.ca/book/the-spaces-and-places-of-canadian-popular-culture/  

2018. “From Phrygian Cap to Foulard: Looking Back on the Festivals of the Revolution, 1793-1989.” The Age of Revolutions. https://ageofrevolutions.com/2018/06/04/from-phrygian-cap-to-foulard-looking-back-on-the-festivals-of-the-revolution-1793-1989/  

2017. “The Ambivalence of Diplomacy.” In Reading Sociology, 3rd Edition, eds. Patrizia Albanese, Lorne Tepperman, and Emily Alexander. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/reading-sociology-9780199020041  

2011. “Enjoyment’s Petrification: The Luxor Obelisk in a Melancholic Century.” In Spectacular Death: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mortality and (Un)representability, ed., Tristanne Connolly. Bristol: Intellect Books. https://www.intellectbooks.com/spectacular-death  

2010. “Space, Place and Sexual Sociality: ‘Toward an Atmospheric Analysis’”. Gender, Work and Organization, 17(1): 7-27. (Jointly authored with Adam I. Green, Kathy Osterlund & Jamie Paquin). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1468-0432.2007.00378.x