Meagan Ryan

Meagan Ryan head shot

Meagan Ryan

Nurse Educator
Campus Location
Camden Hall Rm 274
(902) 867-3173

Meagan has been a Nurse Educator at the Rankin School of Nursing since 2019. She facilitates clinical learning in the area of acute care nursing in hospital, simulation and the laboratory. Her areas of clinical expertise include medical-surgical and emergency nursing. Meagan graduated from St. Francis Xavier University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2015) followed by her Master of Nursing degree with a focus in teaching from Athabasca University (2021). Meagan earned her Canadian Certified Nurse Educator professional designation in 2022. She continues to practice in rural emergency nursing casually in her spare time. Meagan’s other interests include digital health in nursing education and practice, and transition to nursing practice – foci that encompass her professional committee work and participation in scholarly activities at local and national levels.