Maureen Moynagh
Ph.D. (Comp. Lit.) University of Texas at Austin
M.A. (English) University of Victoria
B.A. Honours (English, French) University of Winnipeg
Research Interests: Transnational novels, global intimacies, African and Indigenous speculative fiction, child-soldier narratives, trans-American / hemispheric studies, slave narratives and postslavery literature, African-Canadian literature and drama, modernism and empire, modernism and first-wave feminisms, travel writing
Teaching Interests: Global intimacies, African and Indigenous speculative fiction, postcolonial literature, slave narratives and trans-American studies, child-soldier narratives, modernism and first-wave feminisms, theory, literatures of Africa and the African diaspora.
Recent thesis supervision in the areas of modernism and sexuality, the Caribbean Bildungsroman, orientalism and popular culture, slash fiction, African-Canadian poetry, gender and race.
Recent Publications:
Lou Cornum and Maureen Moynagh, eds. “Decolonial (Re)Visions of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror,” Special Issue of Canadian Literature 240 (2020).
Lou Cornum and Maureen Moynagh, “Introduction: Decolonial (Re)Visions of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror,” Spec. Issue of Canadian Literature 240 (2020): 8-18.
“Frames of War: Thinking Child-Soldier Photography.” Photography and Culture 14.1 (2021): 71-95.
"The 'Dead Road,' Displacement, and the Recovery of Life-in-Common: Narrating the African Conflict Zone." Refugee Imaginaries: Research across the Humanities, ed. Emma Cox, Sam Durrant, David Farrier, Lyndsey Stonebridge, and Agnes Wooley. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
"Speculative Pasts and Afro-Futures: Nalo Hopkinson's Trans-American Imaginary." African American Review 51.3 (2018): 211-222. Winner of the 2018 Joe Weixlmann Prize.
"Unsettling Imperial Ties: Rethinking Suffrage in the Context of Settler Colonialism in Canada" (Maureen Moynagh and Nancy Forestell), in From Suffragette to Homesteader, ed. Emily van der Meulen. Halifax: Fernwood, 2018, pp.125-40.
"The War Machine as Chronotope: Temporality in Child-Soldier Fiction." Comparative Literature 69.3 (2017): 315-37.
"Making and Unmaking: Child-Soldier Memoirs and Human Rights Readers." Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 39.4 (Fall 2016): 535-61.
Documenting First Wave Feminisms. 2 vols. Co-edited with Nancy Forestell. University of Toronto Press. Volume I: Transnational Collaborations and Crosscurrents (2012). Volume II: Canada and the International Context (2013).
"Political Futurity and the Child Soldier Figure: A Romance of Globalization." Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 16.5 (2014): 655-74.
“Human Rights, Child-Soldier Narratives and the Problem of Form.” Research in African Literatures 42.4 (Fall 2011).
Political Tourism and its Texts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
“The Melancholic Structure of Memory in Postslavery Fiction” Journal of Commonwealth Literature 43:1 (March 2008): 57-75.
African-Canadian Theatre. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2005.
“Eyeing the North Star? Figuring Canada in African-Canadian Postslavery Fiction and Drama.” Comparative American Studies 3.1 (March 2005): 15-27.
"'This history's only good for anger': Gender and Cultural Memory in Beatrice Chancy." Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 28.1 (Autumn 2002): 97-124.
Nancy Cunard: Essays on Race and Empire. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2002.
Recent Thesis Supervision Topics:
- Refugee Theatre
- Anti-racist film and narrative form, child-soldier narratives, feminist speculative fiction.