Lara MacDonald

Lara MacDonald head shot

Lara MacDonald

Nurse Educator
Campus Location
Camden Rm 257
(902) 867-2461

I am a Nurse Educator with the SON at StFX since 2004 and a proud graduate of StFX earning a B.A with an Advanced Major in Sociology, a B.Sc.N and will soon complete a M.Ad.Ed. I began my nursing career after graduating from the Aberdeen Hospital School of Nursing in 1994. The focus of my clinical teaching with the SON has been with the 4th year post degree program, 3rd year obstetrics and clinical teaching with students in 2nd year during intersession. My clinical focus remains in adult surgery and obstetrics at the Aberdeen Hospital in New Glasgow. I am married with 2 children ages 17 and 15 years. I am currently chair of the immunization committee and have been a member of the strategic planning committee for Faculty of Science as well as the School of Nursing. In the community, I am involved with the music program at the local school as both my children are active members.