Denton Anthony
PhD (University of Liverpool), MBA (Lake Superior State University), BA (Laurentian University)
Denton Anthony is currently a tenured associate professor of marketing at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish Nova Scotia. Denton holds a PhD (Marketing) from the University of Liverpool in England, an MBA from Lake Superior State University in Michigan, and an honours undergraduate degree in Law and Justice from Laurentian University in Sudbury Ontario.
Denton teaches exclusively in the marketing area. His research focus has centered on the co-creation of consumer value from the customer’s perspective. Denton is interested in customer experiences and how value is created from organizational offerings, more specifically in the empirical context of customer loyalty programs. To date his research has made both empirical and theoretical contributions to the new Service-Dominant-logic of marketing.
Outside of the lecture hall Denton can be found on the basketball court or soccer pitch. Since 2004, Denton has been a member of the X-Men basketball program as an Assistant coach and Academic advisor. Denton has coached several provincial basketball teams over the years. This year he is head coach of the Nova Scotia U17 boy’s basketball team headed to Nationals this summer in Ontario.