Carole Roy

Headshot of a woman

Carole Roy

Campus Location
Xavier Hall Rm 120A
(902) 867-5567

Dr. Roy studied Women's Studies/Liberal Studies (BA, University of Victoria), Women's Studies (MA, York University), and Adult Education (PhD, University of Toronto). While on a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) she taught at Trent University, Peterborough.


She worked with community-based educational exchanges with Tunisia, Thailand, Uruguay, and in various states of India. Her interests include women/older women activists; the use of arts for community building and social change; documentary film festivals; and qualitative and arts-informed research.


She has published 2 books, Documentary Film Festivals: Transformative Learning, Community Building, and Solidarity (2016) and The Raging Grannies: Wild Hats, Cheeky Songs, and Witty Actions for a Better World (2004). She also co-edited Working the Margins of Community-based Adult Learning: The Power of Arts-making in Finding Voice and Creating Conditions for Seeing/listening (2016). She has published numerous articles and chapters.

She was also a consultant on 2 documentary films with filmmaker Magnus Isacsson: Granny Power! (2014) and Les Super Mémés (2010).

She greatly appreciates the support received through a number of research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.