Adapted by William Goldman from his 1973 novel of the same name, it tells the story of a swashbuckling farmhand named Westley, accompanied by companions befriended along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck.
The film preserves the novel's metafictional narrative style by presenting the story as a book being read by a grandfather to his sick grandson.
Tickets Available at:
Framing story
Fred Savage as The Grandson
Peter Falk as Grandpa/The Narrator
Betsy Brantley as The Mother
Main story
Cary Elwes as Westley/Dread Pirate Roberts/The Man in Black
Robin Wright as Buttercup/The Princess Bride
Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya
Chris Sarandon as Prince Humperdinck
Christopher Guest as Count Tyrone Rugen
Wallace Shawn as Vizzini
André the Giant as Fezzik
Peter Cook as The Impressive Clergyman
Mel Smith as The Albino
Carol Kane as Valerie, Max's wife
Billy Crystal as Miracle Max
Margery Mason as The Ancient Booer
Malcolm Storry as Yellin
Willoughby Gray as The King
Regular $12
Prime $15
Cocktail hour from 6:30pm - 7:30 pm
For accessible seating, please call the Box Office at (902) 867-3333.