Access Awareness Keynote Conversation: Academic Ableism and Its Alternatives
Friday, May 31 from 12pm-1pm AST
ASL interpretation and Zoom captioning provided.
Register HERE
An interactive talk by Dr. Jay Dolmage exploring ableism in higher education and discussing strategies and tools to support accessible classrooms and campuses. Dr. Dolmage is committed to disability rights in his scholarship, service, and teaching. He is Professor and Chair of the English Department at University of Waterloo, founding editor of the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, and author of Disability Rhetoric (Syracuse University Press, 2014), Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education (Michigan University Press, 2017), and Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability (Ohio State University Press, 2018).
Introduction and facilitation by Dr. Erin Austen, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology, St. Francis Xavier University. Dr. Austen completed a PhD in Perceptual Psychology and a postdoc in Human Kinetics and Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests are varied; much of her research is connected to health and health promotion. She is also very invested in teaching and in continually improving her teaching practice while also working to create institutional supports for faculty development. She has held teaching-relevant leadership roles including Chair of the StFX Faculty Development Committee and Co-Chair of the Maple League Teaching and Learning Committee.