St Francis Xavier University's Teaching and Learning Centre categorizes educational software into three groups: Approved and Supported, Approved but Not Supported, Not Supported. 

Approved and Supported software is technology that has been vetted by StFX IT Services and the Risk Assessment Office for security risks. IT Services and other departments also offer services and assistance with this software should the need arise. 

Approved but Not Supported software is software that has undergone risk assessment analysis by StFX IT Services and the Risk Assessment Office but should technical assistance be required, the software developer should be contacted. 

Not Supported software is a product that is not officially approved by StFX. It could pose a security risk and data (faculty, staff, student) could be stored in other countries. These products are used at the user's own risk. 

An excellent resource to help you think about security risk and student data breaches can be found on McGill University's IT page. Always consult IT Services or StFX Online when thinking about implementing new software in the classroom.

Approved and Supported software

Approved but Not Supported software

Not Supported software

  • Canva
  • Google
  • Kahoot
  • Mentimeter
  • Riipen
  • TopHat
  • Padlet
  • PollAnywhere
  • VoiceThread


Teaching and Learning Centre

4130 University Ave
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5