Academic Integrity @ X

Academic Integrity @X is a 60-minute, self-directed Moodle course that: 

  • Introduces and explains concepts of academic integrity to students by explaining the most common forms of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, falsification, and tampering) and the processes by which the university addresses them. 

  • Makes direct reference to the university’s Academic Integrity Policy. 

  • Promotes comprehension of the personal and professional reasons for academic honesty. 

  • Uses scenarios and dramatizations to illustrate the situations and rationalizations that lead students into academic dishonesty, as well as the means of avoiding them. 

  • Requires students to demonstrate the capacity to identify correctly paraphrased and cited passages based on the principles of sound referencing. 

  • Directs students who feel they require additional support after completing the module to contact the Student Success Centre. 


Student Services

Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5